Frank Is Sam & Hannah's Son On 'HTGAWM' & The Clues Were There All Along
Spoilers ahead for How to Get Away with Murder Season 6, Episode 13 . In a twist so bonkers, almost no one could have predicted it, How to Get Away with Murder revealed in its April 30 episode that Frank is Hannah and Sam's son . Yes, you read that correctly: Sam and Hannah had an incestuous relationship and a child together. Initially, Vivian's suspicion about Sam and Hannah seemed wildly out of bounds. She pointed out that Sam "always used sex to get what he wanted" and insisted that Hannah was the one who taught him that, because they'd both been neglected by their parents and "were desperate for love so they found it in each other." She claimed to have done her research that incest sometimes comes out of neglect, and suggested that Sam and Hannah both became psychologists to try to understand that. She also pointed out that Hannah was always inserting herself into her marriage, and that Annalise must have suspected there was "something ex...